5 Reasons You Should Get to Know Your Stationer

 If you're a bride or groom, you're probably thinking I'm crazy. Who has time to get to know your stationer in the middle of this crazy roller coaster ride?! I promise you, though, it's so important to be candid and open with your stationer. Not only does it make the planning process so much fun when you get to know your vendors, but there are some very key reasons you and your stationer should be like peas and carrots:

We get a better sense of your style and who you are. And when we know what makes you and your fiancé tick, how you met, what your favorite things to do together are - we have a more solid foundation to create the most personalized paper goods for you! The more we know about you and your love story, the more we can create something completely unique that's never before been created. Not only that, but when we have a good sense of who you are as a couple, we also know what style is going to work best for you, even if you aren't quite sure! Not to mention, these unique traits make our hearts pitter-patter and we love finding those common bonds with you!

We can make suggestions you may not have considered. When we know that your favorite date together so far has been riding a tandem bike to the park on the hottest June day there ever was, and then laughing about it over a bottle of champagne and peanut butter sandwiches as you catch your breath, our wheels start turning (no pun intended). We break apart the elements of that date and figure out how to incorporate it into your day - even if no one but you and me know what it means! Whether it's utilizing that special day as a material, a color, or an actual illustration, the more we know about you, the more we can create.

We want to make the process exciting and fun for you. One of the things we truly want to do for you is make the stationery design process exciting, fun, and easy for you. This is such a fun season in your life, it is definitely not something you should be stressing over! The more we know about you, the more we know what stationery is a priority, what timeline you would be most comfortable with, how often you prefer to hear from us, and how to best present ideas to you in a fun, exciting way. When we don't know enough about each other, we tend to draft "by the book" email responses and go by our standard procedures. Now this is not to say that I won't go by standard procedures and processes with every client, but when I know a little more about you, I know how to get you excited for your proofs, how to surprise you (in a good way!), and how to make you feel so loved and special throughout the process.

We are truly passionate about what we do for you. Look, we want to get to know you. This is our passion. We thrive on seeing happy couples planning their forevers together. This is why we do what we do! The more we know about you, the more enthralling the process is for all of us involved! Hearing those love stories, first date antics, and relationship quirks fills our hearts with joy...and allows us to create something so special and unique for you! (See #1 and #2 above!).

Season Picks - Hampstead Flowers

florist in richmond  want to gain your trust. I want you to know about me just as much as I want to know about you! I want to gain your trust as a designer so you know your stationery is in good hands. We want you to feel comfortable asking us what we do on the weekends, and what our hobbies are, and what our favorite meals are. The more we know about one another, the more we can trust one another, share candid opinions together, and create an heirloom product for one of the most special days of your life. Because our relationship built on trust, creating the most unique invitation we've ever created that you'll remember 50 years from now...that is what fills us with so much joy and happiness.

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